Furniture that stimulates the motor skills of children
In our accelerating society, spending quality time with each other has become harder and harder to fit into our schedules but spending quality time with each other is a foundation of well-being, particularly for children. ’by KlipKlap’ creates furniture that stimulates the motor skills of children and also encourages children and adults to play and spend quality time together. The philosophy behind this is that furniture items will last longer when they encourage a multi-functional way of life.
The company ‘by KlipKlap’ was founded back in 2021 with a vision of designing functional furniture and accessories for the home in durable materials with a stylish expression. Today, the original design has grown into an entire series of products, and for many Danes, by KlipKlap has become an icon of multi-functional furniture.
Witt A/S is official distributor of by KlipKlap.
Cosmo Connectedin uusimmat lehdistötiedotteet
torstai 28. toukokuuta 2020
Parempi joustavuus, näkyvyys ja turvallisuus liikenteessä
Cosmon älyvalojen avulla luot helposti ja nopeasti itsellesi lisäturvaa liikenteessä – ajatpa sitten potkulaudalla, polkupyörällä, mopolla, skootterilla tai moottoripyörällä. Asenna valot kypärään ja ”menoksi”… Lue lisää